Nmargie's book nook susanville california

Margies book nook 16 photos 722 main st, susanville, ca yelp. There is a variety of selections, genres and ranges from local historyinterests to the. The map of margie s book nook shows the approximate location in susanville, but you should call them at phone number 530 2572392 to verify their address is 722 main street, susanville, california 964330 and to get hours and driving directions. David and margie teeter are two incredible saints that we have in our community. Of course, i could only be talking about margie s book nook.

Margie s book nook is a wellstocked, friendly book store which sells new and used books. Margie s, in downtown susanville, has a large selection of used books, as well as their new book stock. Customers can bring in books theyre through with to trade for new used ones. Margies book nook, 722 main st, susanville, ca 2020. Margies book nook in susanville, ca librarything local. Margies book nook susanville, ca business information. Now, momandpop shops would lose all their charm and be characterless without having the hearts of their owners embedded into them. Margie s book nook on main st in susanville, ca is in the beach california sections book stores and used merchandise stores. A rainy spring day is a great time to study the red book of westmarch and consider the history of the war of the ring. Explore the margie s book nook business page in susanville, ca.

Petfriendly stores margies book nook in susanville. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. I dont think the public realizes how much they give to our community. Margie s book nook petfriendly stores 722 main street susanville, california 96 5302572392 get map or directions margie s book nook has a mix of new and used books. Margies book nook 722 main st, susanville, california 96 rated 4.